An extensive working vocabulary is a prerequisite for test-taking success on the GRE Graduate Record Exam.

GRE word list

fidelity loyalty; exact correspondence
filibuster use of obstructive tactics in a legislature to block passage of a law
finesse  to handle with a deceptive or evasive strategy;
fissure crevice
flag to droop; grow weak
fledging beginner; novice
 flora plants of a region or era
florid ruddy; reddish; flowery
flourish en embellishment or ornamentation
 flout to treat scornfully
flux flowing; a continuous moving
 foment to incite; arouse
forbearance patience
 forestall to prevent; delay
formidable menacing; threatening
forswear renounce; repudiate
founder to sink; fail; colapse
fracas a loud quarrel; brawl
fractious quarrelsome; unruly; rebellious
 fresco  a painting done on plaster
frieze ornamental band on a wall
froward stubbornly contrary; obstinately disobedient
frugality thrift
fulminate to attack loudly; denounce
fulsome  so excessive as to be disgusting
fusion union; synthesis
futile ineffective; useless; fruitless
gainsay to deny; dispute; oppose
gambol to frolic; leap playfully
garrulous very talkative; wordy
gauche coarse and uncouth; clumsy
geniality cheerfulness; kindliness; sociability
gerrymander to divide an area into voting districts in a way that favors a political party
glib fluent in an insincere way; offhand
goad to prod; urge on
gossamer sheer; light and delicate; like cobwebs
gouge to tear out; scoop out; overcharge
grandiloquent pompous; bombastic
gregarious outgoing; sociable
grouse to complain
guileless free of cunning or deceit; artless
guise outward appearance; false appearance
gullible easily deceived
gustatory affecting the sense of taste
halcyon calm and peaceful
hallowed holy; sacred
harangue  long, pompous speech; tirade
harrowing extremely distressing; terrifying
herbivorous an animal that feeds mainly on plants
hermetic tighly sealed; magical
heterodox not widely accepted
hieroglyphics a system of writing in which pictorial symbols represent meanings or sounds
hirsute  covered with hair
histrionic relating to exaggerated emotional behavior calculated for effect
homeostasis automatic maintenance by an organism in balance with itself
homily sermon; tedious moralizing lecture
homogeneous composed of identical parts
hyperbole purposeful exaggeration for effect
iconoclastic attacking cherished traditions
idolatry  idol worship; blind or excessive devotion
igneous produced by fire; volcanic
imbroglio complicated situation; an entanglement
immutable inchangeable
impair to damage; injure
impassive showing no emotion
impecunious poor; having no money
impede to hinder; block
impermeable impossible to permeate
imperturbable not easily disturbed
impervious incapable of being affected
impinge to strike; encroach
implacable  inflexible
implausible  unlikely; unbelievable
implicit implied; understood but not stated
implode collapse inward violently
imprecation curse; damnation
impute to attribute the fault to
inadvertently carelessly; unintentionally
incarnate having bodily form
inchoate imperfectely formed or formulated

GRE word list 1

GRE word list 2

GRE word list 3

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