An extensive working vocabulary is a prerequisite for test-taking success on the GRE Graduate Record Exam.

GRE word list

physiognomy facial features
piety devoutness
piquant pleasantly pungent; attractive
pique fleeting feeling or hurt pride
placate soothe; pacify
placid calm
plaintive melancholy; mournful
plasticity pliability; condition of being able to be shaped or formed
platitude stale; overused expression
platonic spiritual; theoretical
plethora excess; overabundance
plumb to examine deeply; determine the depth
plummet to fall; plunge
plutocracy society ruled by the wealthy
porous full of holes; permeable to liquids
poseur  poerson who affects an attitude to impress others
pragmatic practical
prate to talk idly; chatter
prattle meaningless, foolish talk
preamble preliminary statement
precarious uncertain
precept principle; law
precipitate rash; hasty; sudden
precipitate to cause to happen
precursor forerunner; predecessor
preempt to supersede; appropiate for oneself
prehensile capable of grasping
premonition forewarning; presentiment
presage to foretell; indicate in advance
presumptuous rude; improperly bold
preternatural supernatural
prevaricate to quibble
primordial original
pristine untouched; uncorrupted
probity honesty; high-mindness
problematic posing a problem; doubtful
prodigal wasteful; extravagant; lavish
profound deep, not superficial
prohibitive so high as to prevent the purchase or use of
proliferate to increase rapidly
propensity inclination, tendency
propitiate to win over, appease
propriety correct conduct, fitness
proscribe to condemn, forbid, outlaw
provident providing for future need, frugal
puissant powerful
punctilious careful in observing rules fo behavior
pungent penetrating, caustic, to the point
purport to profess, suppose, claim
pusillanimous cowerdly
quagmire marsh, difficult situation
quail to cower, lose heart
qualified limited, restricted
qualm sudden feeling of faintness or nausea
query question
quibble to argue over insignificant and irrelevant details
quiescent inactive, still
quorum number of memeber necessary to conduct a meeting
raconteur witty, skillful storyteller
rail to scold with bitter or abusive language
raiment clothing
ramification implication, consequence
rarefied refined
rationale fundamental reason
rebu puzzle in whic pictures or symbols represent words
recalcitrant resisting authority or control
recant retract a statement of opinion
recluse person who lives in seclusion and often in solitude
recondite abstruse, profound
redoubtable formidable, arousing fear
refractory stubborn, resisting ordinary methods of treatment
refulgent brightly shining, resplendent
refute to contradict, disprove
regale to entertain
relegate to consign to an inferior position
remonstrate to object or protest
renege to go back on one’s word
reparation amends, compensation
repine fret, complain
reprise repetition, especially of a piece of music

GRE word list 1

GRE word list 2

GRE word list 3

GRE word list 4

GRE word list 5

GRE word list 6

GRE word list 7

GRE word list 8

GRE word list 9

GRE word list 10

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