An extensive working vocabulary is a prerequisite for test-taking success on the GRE Graduate Record Exam.

GRE word list

reproach to find fault with, blame
reprobate morally unprincipled person
repudiate to reject as having no authority
rescind to cancel
resolution determination, resolve
resolve determination, firmness of purpose
reticent nor speaking freely, reserved, reluctant
reverent expressing deep respect, worshipful
riposte retaliatory action or retort
rococo excessively ornate
rubric protocol, title or heading
rue regret
ruse trick, crafty stratagem
sage wise
salacious lascivious, lustful
salubrious healthful
salutary expecting an improvement, favorable to health
sanction to approve, ratify, permit
sardonic cynical, scornfully mocking
sartorial pertaining to tailors
satiate to satisfy
saturate imbue througout, soak thoroughly
saturnine gloomy
satyr a creature that is half-man, half beast
savor to enjoy, have a distinctive flavor or smell
schematic relating to or in the form of an outline
secrete produce and release substance into organism
sedition behaviour prompting rebellion
sedulous diligent, assiduous
seismic relating to earthquakes
sensual relating to the senses
sensuous relating to the senses
sentient aware, concious, able to preceive
servile submissive, obedient
sextant navigation tool that determines latitude and longitude
shard a piece of broken glass or pottery
sidereal relating to the stars
simian apelike, relating to apes
simile comparison of one thing with another using like or “as”
sinecure well-paying job that requieres little or no work
singular unique, extraordinary, odd
sinuous intricate, complex
skeptic one who doubts
sobriety seriousness
sodden thoroughly soaked, saturated
solicitous concerned, attentive, eager
soliloquy literary or dramatic speech by one character
solvent able to meet financial obligations
somatic relating to or affecting the body
soporific sleep producing
sordid filthy, contemptible and corrupt
specious seeming to be logical and sound
spectrum band of color
spendthrift person who spends money recklessly
sporadic irregular
squalor filthy, wretched condition
staccato  marked by abrupt, clear-cut sounds
stanch to stop or check the flow of
stentorian extremely loud
stigma mark of disgrace or inferiority
stint to be sparing
stipulate to specify as an essential condition
stolid having or showing little emotion
stratified arranged in layers
striated marked with thin
stricture something that restrains
strident loud, harsh, unpleasantly noisy
strut to swagger, display to impress others
stultify to impair or reduce to uselessness
stupefy to dull the senses of, stun, atonish
stygian dark and gloomy, hellish
subpoena notice ordering someone to appear in court
subside to settle down, grow quiet
substantiate to support with proof or evidence
substantive essential
subsume to include, incorporate
subversive intended to undermine or underthrow
succor relief, help in time of distress or want
suffrage the right to vote
sundry various

GRE word list 1

GRE word list 2

GRE word list 3

GRE word list 4

GRE word list 5

GRE word list 6

GRE word list 7

GRE word list 8

GRE word list 10

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