An extensive working vocabulary is a prerequisite for test-taking success on the GRE Graduate Record Exam.

GRE word list 2

Archeology the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.
Bacchanalian characterized by or given to drunken revelry.
Banal so lacking in originality as to be obvious and boring
Banter the playful and friendly exchange of teasing remarks
Bard a poet, traditionally one reciting epics and associated with a particular oral tradition.
Bawdy humorously indecent talk or writing.
Beatify announce the beatification of.
Bedizen dress up or decorate gaudily.
Behemoth a huge or monstrous creature.
Belie fail to fulfil or justify
Beneficent generous or doing good
Bifurcate divide into two branches or forks.
Blandishment a flattering or pleasing statement or action used as a means of gently persuading someone to do something
Blasé unimpressed with or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before.
Bolster a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support.
Bombastic high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated
Boorish rough and bad-mannered; coarse.
Bovine relating to or affecting cattle
Brazen bold and without shame.
Broach raise (a difficult subject) for discussion
bucolic a pastoral poem.
burgeon begin to grow or increase rapidly; flourish.
burnish to polish
buttress to reinforce; support
cacophonous unpleasant or harsh-sounding
cadge to beg; sponge
callous thick-skinned; insensitive
calumny false and malicious accusation; slander
canard false; deliberately misleading story
canon an established set of principles; a basis
cant insincere talk
cantankerous irritable; ill-humored
capricious fickle
captious faultfinding; intended to entrap
cardinal of foremost importance
carnal of the flesh or body
carping to find fault; complain
cartography science of making maps
caste any of the hereditary social classes in Hindu society
castigation punishment
cataclysm a violent upheaval that causes great destruction and change
catalyst something that causes change
categorical absolute; without exception
caucus smaller group within an organization
causal involving a cause
caustic burning; stinging; causing corrosion
celestial concerned with sky or heavens; sublime
centrifugal moving away from a center
centripetal moving or directed toward a center
champion to defend or support
chasten to correct by punishment or reproof
chicanery trickery; fraud
chivalry the qualities idealized by knighthood such as bravery and gallantry toward women
churlish rude; boorish
circuitous roundabout
clairvoyant one who can predict the future; psychic
clamor noisy outcry
clique a small, exclusive group
cloister to confine; seclude
coagulate thicken; congeal
coalesce to cause to become one
coda concluding part of a literary or musical composition
codify to systematize
cognizant informed; conscious; aware
collage an assemblage of diverse elements
commensurate proportional
compendium brief, comprehensive summary
complacent self-satisfied
complaisant overly polite;
complement something that completes or makes up a whole
compliant yielding
compunction uneasiness caused by guilt
concave curving inward
conciliatory overcoming distrust or hostility
concoct to invent
concomitant existing concurrently
condone to overlook voluntarily; forgive
confound to baffle; perplex; mix up
congenial similar in tastes and habits
conjugal pertaining to marriage agreement

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